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Collaborating with WKRI, Tugure distributes CSR for women's empowerment

19 Apr 2022
Collaborating with WKRI, Tugure distributes CSR for women's empowerment

Jakarta - PT Tugu Reasuransi Indonesia (Tugure) is again implementing its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, Tuesday (19/4). Tugure cooperates with the Republic of Indonesia Catholic Women (WKRI) of the Holy Family Pasar Minggu Branch to carry out a social service entitled "Capital Assistance and Digital Marketing Training Assisted by PPUK Catholic Women of the Republic of Indonesia Holy Family Pasar Minggu Branch for Economic Improvement (MSMEs)."

Tugure will provide CSR assistance distributed by the WKRI branch of the Kudus Family to participants in the Small Business Women Improvement (PPUK) program which has been run by the community organization under the Catholic Church.

Tugure Main Director Adi Pramana explained that to coincide with the celebration of Tugure's 35th birthday (HUT), April 2022 coincides with Ramadan and also Easter which is celebrated by Christians and Catholics. Therefore, he explained, this month Tugure distributed CSR for religious programs. Apart from religion, this reinsurance company also has CSR for other programs, such as education, environment and social.

"There are social services for Ramadan and also for Easter, as well as other social services on other holidays," he said on the sidelines of the social service assistance handover ceremony at Grha Keluarga Kudus, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta, Tuesday (19/4).

Adi hopes that CSR assistance can help PPUK participants. Moreover, he said, the assistance was directed at providing financing with savings schemes and training especially for digital marketing. Adi hopes that with this assistance, women or housewives who are motivated to develop small or micro-scale businesses can get back up and develop their businesses after being stagnant due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

"We have the spirit to do CSR, we set aside profit funds to help the economy move forward. It's time to move together," he said.

For information, Tugure continues to realize CSR programs on an ongoing basis, in addition to spurring performance and strengthening governance. The Company's CSR as of 31 December 2021 was recorded at IDR 408.40 million. When broken down, Tugure's CSR is distributed to the health line worth IDR 52.66 million, religious education worth IDR 309.97 million and the environment worth IDR 45.75 million.

On the same occasion, Chair of the WKRI Sunday Market Branch, Bernadetha Hadikusumawardani, said that the PPUK program had been frozen for 2 years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At the beginning of 2022, she explained, her party had decided to reactivate this small and micro business empowerment program for Catholic women and society in general.

PPUK, he explained, was not a program that provided funding in the form of grants but capital financing in the form of savings. In addition, PPUK participants will receive free training, especially related to digital marketing.

"This social service with Tugure is for women's empowerment. We will distribute assistance to PPUK's fostered children in two forms, namely free training for digital marketing and in the form of working capital," he explained.

Through the free training, PPUK participants will be equipped with the skills to photograph products and marketing via social media, particularly Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. In addition, participants will receive assistance in creating a logo and website for an online store or halosis marketplace.

"We provide one year free of charge, after that we hope to be able to subscribe ourselves. We hope that next year we can be even more independent," said Bernadetha.

While working capital assistance will be provided and will be paid in monthly installments by PPUK participants. The monthly installments will be saved and will be returned to PPUK participants at the end of the loan period.

"Thanks to Tugure for trusting us," concluded Bernadetha.

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