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Tugure Turns Eid al-Adha into a Moment to Share with Others

01 Aug 2020
Tugure Turns Eid al-Adha into a Moment to Share with Others

Tangerang - Corporate Secretary Group Head of PT Tugu Reasuransi Indonesia (Tugure), Yuliani Winarsih, stated that Eid al-Adha becomes a moment to ignite the spirit of sharing with others amidst the prolonged crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

"Eid al-Adha is a moment of gratitude and an opportunity for us to contribute in alleviating the burden of those affected by the pandemic," she said during the sacrificial ritual at the Insan Berkibar Foundation, located in Binong Village, Curug District, Tangerang Regency, Banten, on Friday.

Tugure sacrificed two goats and two cows, and the meat from the sacrificial animals will be distributed to orphaned children under the care of the Insan Berkibar Foundation and the local community.

"Part of the meat will also be distributed to the residents of the scavenger settlement around the Rawa Kucing Landfill," she added.

She further explained that amidst the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic in the country, they are compelled to continue assisting in alleviating the burden of the community, both around the Tugure office and throughout the Jabodetabek area.

"We will continue to strive for activities like this to be promoted and implemented continuously, as it is highly beneficial for others," Yuli said.

At the same location, the Patron of the Insan Berkibar Foundation, Sujono, expressed his gratitude to Tugure for their willingness to share with the orphaned children under their care. He acknowledged that the foundation greatly relies on external assistance.

"We are very grateful for the presence of Tugure. We extend our thanks for their assistance. The entire foundation committee wishes everyone a Happy Eid al-Adha and sends greetings to the Tugure management," said Sujono.

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