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In celebrating its 34th anniversary, Tugure Builds a Prayer Room in Tangerang

03 Apr 2021
In celebrating its 34th anniversary, Tugure Builds a Prayer Room in Tangerang

Jakarta - In commemoration of its 34th anniversary on April 2, 2021, PT Tugu Reasuransi Indonesia (Tugure) has provided Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assistance by constructing the Miftahul Fallah Mosque in Jawaringan Village, Rajeg District, Tangerang Regency, Banten, on Saturday, April 3, 2021.

Yuliani Winarsih, the Group Head of Corporate Secretary at Tugure, stated that the construction of the mosque is part of the Tugure anniversary celebration and is in line with the expectations of stakeholders, including the Financial Services Authority (OJK), which mandates companies to engage in CSR activities.

"This construction is also the beginning of Tugure's 34th anniversary celebration, where we start with an act of kindness," said Yuli during the groundbreaking ceremony.

Tugure has allocated a budget of IDR 185 million for the construction of the Miftahul Fallah Mosque, which is expected to be completed by Idul Adha (Eid al-Adha) this year. The mosque will have dimensions of 9x5 meters.

Furthermore, Yuli explained that they hope the construction of the mosque will not only benefit the worship of the entire Islamic boarding school community and the surrounding residents but also serve as a ray of hope in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"We hope that this mosque will bring significant benefits to the surrounding community," she concluded.

LINK > Sambut HUT ke-34, Tugure bangun mushola di Tangerang

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