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Tugure Discusses the Rising Trend of Business Interruption Claims in Batam Sharing Session

15 Aug 2024
Tugure Discusses the Rising Trend of Business Interruption Claims in Batam Sharing Session

Batam, Kepulauan Riau – PT Tugu Reasuransi Indonesia (Tugure) held a Sharing Session titled "Underwriting & Claim: Business Interruption (BI)" on Thursday, August 15, 2024. The event, hosted in Batam, was attended by 30 participants from various insurance companies, all of whom are Tugure's business partners.

Erwin Basri, Operations Director of Tugure, explained that the theme was chosen to highlight the increasing trend of BI claims, which have shown significant growth compared to previous years, even surpassing Material Damage claims. This trend calls for more accurate and careful BI claim calculations.

The session featured several expert speakers, including Sudarlin, Director of Technical Affairs at PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia, who discussed the fundamentals of BI and the risks that arise in the event of a business interruption. Sudarlin emphasized the importance for companies to prepare protection strategies and maintain profitability to address potential losses.

Tugure also invited Budi Maharesi, President Director of PT McLarens Indonesia, and Yandry Aditya Nugraha, Head of Power & Electricals at PT McLarens Indonesia, who provided insights into BI calculation methods and discussed current issues surrounding BI claims.

To conclude the session, Andriansyah, Technical Analytic & Development Group Head at Tugure, presented the latest market trends and statistical data from Tugure, further enriching the discussion during the session.

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