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Company History

Established in 1987, PT. Tugu Reasuransi Indonesia (Tugure) is Reinsurance Company that was initially intended to exclusively serve the insurance needs of Tugu Group. However, the vast growth of insurance industry in Indonesia has prompted Tugure to review the condition as a unique opportunity to expand its scope of services to cover other insurance companies. 



ISO 37001:2016 SMAP Certification

In 2021, to anticipate the risk of bribery, the Company established Anti-Bribery Management System Implementation (SMAP) Team, drafted the SMAP Guidelines and Anti-Bribery Policy, as well as stipulated the SMAP Internal Auditor in order to acquire ISO 37001:2016 SMAP Certification in Procurement function from TUV Nord Institute. The assessment was done in November 2021 and the Company successfully obtained the ISO 37001:2016 SMAP Certification for January 5, 2022 to January 4, 2025 period.


Participate to Fight Against Covid-19

Tugure initiated to actively participate in responding to the Covid-19 Pandemic for the community through the Response of Covid-19 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity.

Response of Covid-19 CSR activity was carried out by raising funds and donating disinfectants, PPE, etc concerning prevention and handling of Covid-19 to the business partners, along with replacement of the Tugure’s 33rd birthday greetings, so that they can be distributed to the parties in need.



Capital Increasement

Tugure strengthened its capital by increasing the authorized capital as well as issued and paid-up capital, therefore Tugure ownership composition consists of 50.74% owned by PT Tugu Pratama Interindo and 49.26% by PT Asriland.


Good Corporate Governance

The Company reforms the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners’ new structure and assign one additional Commissioner as Independent Commissioners as part of Company’s commitment in Good Corporate Governance implementation.



The Go Green Program

Tugure pioneering the sending and receiving documents in the form of softcopy, in the means of inviting Tugure’s business partner(s) in the go green program – a paperless document with Tugure


The Main Pioneer For Insurance Cooperation

As a business entity, Tugure has positively evolved and managed to gain trust from national and international insurance companies. In 2004, Tugure was assigned the role of pioneering reinsurance cooperation among ASEAN countries under ARES (ASEAN Reinsurance Exchange Scheme), followed by the expansion of the Company’s operations to other countries such as Malaysia, Phillines, Vietnam, and Thailand.


The Change of Company Name

PT Tugu Jasatama Reasuransi Indonesia changed its name to “PT Tugu Reasuransi Indonesia” by the Deed No. 104 dated February 24, 1999, made before Notary Agus Madjid, S.H.


Establishment Of The Company

PT Tugu Reasuransi Indonesia (“the Company/Tugure”), was established on April 2, 1987, made before Notary Raden Santoso, S.H., based on Notarial Deed No.8 dated April 2, 1987, which amended by Notarial Deed No. 28 dated May 11, 1987, and Notarial Deed No. 19 dated June 15, 1987. The Deed and the amendments were approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia by Decision Letter No. C2-4270HT.01.01-TH/87 dated 16 June 1987 and was published in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 71 dated September 4, 1987, Supplement No. 809 under the name of “PT Tugu Jasatama Reasuransi Indonesia”.

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